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Murayama, T. Application Of Immobilized Thiobacillus-Ferrooxidans For Large-Scale Treatment Of Acid-Mine Drainage 1987 Methods Enzymol. 136 530-540
Marquardt, K. Muelldeponie-Sickerabwasseraufbereitung unter Anwendung der Membrantechnik. Waste disposal-seepage waters processing by use of the membrane technique Zeitgemaesse Deponietechnik 1987 Stuttgarter Berichte zur Abfallwirtschaft, vol.24 187-234
Norris, R.H. Effectiveness Of Mine Rehabilitation In Relation To Water-Quality 1987 Acta Biologica Hungarica 38 127-139
Chironis, N.P. Mine-built ponds economically clear acid mine waters 1987 Coal Age 58-61
Dugan, P.R. Prevention of formation of acid drainage from high-sulfur coal refuse by inhibition of iron- and sulfur-oxidizing microorganisms. II. Inhibition in run of mine refuse under simulated field conditions 1987 Biotechnol. Bioeng. 29 6