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Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages
Banks, D.; Younger, P.L.; Arnesen, R.-T.; Iversen, E.R.; Banks, S.B. Mine-water chemistry: The good, the bad and the ugly 1997 Environ. Geol. 32 157-174
Bannister, A.F. 1997 105-122
Barton, C.D.; Karathanasis, A.D. Aerobic and anaerobic metal attenuation processes in a constructed wetland treating acid mine drainage 1997 AAPG Eastern Section and the Society for Organic Petrology joint meeting; abstracts 1545
Becker, B.; Graff, M.; Näveke, R. Biological Treatment of Overburden from Lignite Opencast Mining in Order to Avoid Seepage of Acid Mine Water 1997 Proceedings, 6th International Mine Water Association Congress, Bled, Slovenia 2 283-291
Benkovics, I.; Csicsák, J.; Csövári, M.; Lendvai, Z.; Molnár, J. Mine Water Treatment – Anion-exchange and Membrane Process 1997 Proceedings, 6th International Mine Water Association Congress, Bled, Slovenia 1 149-157