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Author Title (up) Year Publication Volume Pages
Turek, M.; Gonet, M. Nanofiltration in the utilization of coal-mine brines 1997 Desalination 108 171-177
Skousen, J. Overview of passive systems for treating acid mine drainage 1997 Green Lands 27 34-43
Bertrand, S. Performance of a nanofiltration plant on hard and highly sulphated water during two years of operation 1997 Desalination 113 277-281
Godard, M. Principes d'exhaure et de traitement des eaux chargees aux houilleres du bassin de Lorraine. Darstellung der Verfahren zur Wasserhaltung und zur Wasseraufbereitung in den Steinkohlengruben des Lothringer Beckens. Draining principles and treatment of water used in the Lorraine mining basin 1997 Mines et Carrieres 42-45
Cox, M.R.; Peterson, G.L. The effectiveness of in-situ limestone treatment of acid mine drainage Association of Engineering Geologists program with abstracts, 40th annual meeting; Converging at Cascadia 1997 Annual Meeting – Association of Engineering Geologists, vol.40 93