Author |
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Year |
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Ballivy, G.; Bienvenu, L. |
Stabilisation des rejets miniers a l'aide de rejets de cimenterie. Stabilization of mining wastes using cement factory wastes Activites de recherche du Ministere des Ressources Naturelles du Quebec sur le drainage minier acide; rapport 1997-1998. Research activities of the Quebec Natural Resources Ministry on acid mine drainage; report 1997-1998 |
1998 |
Rn 98-5034 |
Anonymous; Unten, L.; Wildeman, T.R.; Gusek, J.J. |
Passive treatment for contaminants in mine waters Effluent treatment in the mining industry |
1998 |
Anonymous |
1998 |
Kleinmann, R.L.P. |
Treatment of mine drainage by anoxic limestone drains and constructed wetlands |
1998 |
Acidic Mining Lakes |
303-319 |
Fischer, R.; Reissig, H.; Gockel, G.; Seidel, K.H.; Guderitz, T. |
Direkte Neutralisation und Untergrundwasserbehandlung des Restwassers im Tagebaurestsee Heide VI. Direct neutralization and treatment of deep subsoil water of the residual water in the open-pit relic lake Heide VI |
1998 |
Braunkohle, Surface Mining |
50 |
273-278 |