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Author | Title | Year | Publication | Volume | Pages |
Jarvis, A.P.; Younger, P.L. | Passive treatment of ferruginous mine waters using high surface area media | 2001 | Water Res. | 35 | 3643-3648 |
Govind, R. | Treatment of acid mine drainage using membrane bioreactors | 2001 | Bioremediation of Inorganic Compounds | 6 | 1-8 |
Goulet, R.R. | Changes in dissolved and total Fe and Mn in a young constructed wetland: Implications for retention performance | 2001 | Ecological Engineering | 17 | 373-384 |
Goulet, R.R. | The evaluation of metal retention by a constructed wetland using the pulmonate gastropod Helisoma trivolvis (Say) | 2001 | Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology | 40 | 303-310 |
Gerth, A.; Kießig, G. | 2001 | 173-180 |