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Author Title Year Publication (up) Volume Pages
Skousen, J.; Jenkins, M. Acid mine drainage treatment costs with calcium oxide and the Aquafix machine 2001 Green Lands 31 46-51
Fernandez Rubio, R. Un recurso valioso las aguas de mina. A valuable resource, mine waters 2001 Industria y Mineria 345 14-22
Ye, Z.H.; Whiting, S.N.; Qian, J.H.; Lytle, C.M.; Lin, Z.Q.; Terry, N. Trace element removal from coal ash leachate by a 10-year-old constructed wetland 2001 J. Environ. Qual. 30 1710-1719
Ye, Z.H. Removal and distribution of iron, manganese, cobalt, and nickel within a Pennsylvania constructed wetland treating coal combustion by-product leachate 2001 Journal of Environmental Quality 30 1464-1473
Novák, J. Groundwater Remediation in the Stráz Leaching Operation 2001 Mine Water Env. 20 158-167