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Author (up) Lin, C.; Lu, W.; Wu, Y. openurl 
  Title Agricultural soils irrigated with acidic mine water: Acidity, heavy metals, and crop contamination Type Journal Article
  Year 2005 Publication Australian Journal of Soil Research Abbreviated Journal  
  Volume 43 Issue 7 Pages 819-826  
  Keywords Contamination and remediation Irrigated agriculture Soil studies geographical abstracts: physical geography soils (71 5 14) international development abstracts: agriculture and rural development (74 1 8) ecological abstracts: terrestrial ecology (73 4 2) bioaccumulation irrigation agricultural soil acid mine drainage pH crop plant heavy metal China Far East Asia Eurasia  
  Abstract Agricultural soils irrigated with acidic mine water from the Guangdong Dabaoshan Mine, China, were investigated. The pH of the soils could be as low as 3.9. However, most of the mineral acids introduced into the soils by irrigation were transformed to insoluble forms through acid buffering processes and thus temporarily stored in the soils. Different heavy metals exhibited different fraction distribution patterns, with Zn and Cu being mainly associated with organic matter and Pb being primarily bound to oxides (statistically significant at P = 0.05). Although the mean of exchangeable Cd was greatest among the Cd fractions, there was no statistically significant difference between the exchangeable Cd and the oxide-bound Cd (the 2nd greatest fraction) or between the exchangeable Cd and the carbonate-bound Cd (the 3rd greatest fraction). It was also found that there were generally good relationships between the concentrations of various Zn, Cu, Pb, and Cd fractions and pH, suggesting that a major proportion of each heavy metal in the soils was mainly derived from the acidic irrigation water. The results also show that the crops grown in these soils were highly contaminated by heavy metals, particularly Cd. The concentration of Cd in the edible portions of most crops was far in excess of the limits set in China National Standards for Vegetables and Fruits and this can be attributable to the extremely high transfer rate of Cd from the soils to the crops under the cropping system adopted in the study area. < copyright > CSIRO 2005.  
  Address C. Lin, College of Resources and Environment, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China  
  Corporate Author Thesis  
  Publisher Place of Publication Editor  
  Language Summary Language Original Title  
  Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title  
  Series Volume Series Issue Edition  
  ISSN 0004-9573 ISBN Medium  
  Area Expedition Conference  
  Notes Agricultural soils irrigated with acidic mine water: Acidity, heavy metals, and crop contamination; 2828050; Australia 29; Geobase Approved no  
  Call Number CBU @ c.wolke @ 17496 Serial 314  
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