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Entrena, A. L., Serrano, J. R., & Villoria, A. (1988). Descontaminacion de aguas de mina con recuperacion de los metales contenidos en ellas. Decontamination of mine waters by recovering the metals contained within them VIII congreso internacional de Mineria y metalurgia; tomo 8. VIII international conference on Mining and metallurgy; Volume 8. In Congreso Internacional de Mineria y Metalurgia, vol.8 (pp. 156–173).
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Gong, Z., Huang, J., & Jiang, H. (1996). Study of comprehensive retrieval utilization and the treatment of acid mine wastewater. Zhongnan Gongye Daxue Xuebao = Journal of Central South University of Technology, 27(4), 432–435.
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