Sato, D., & Tazaki, K. (2000). Calcification treatment of mine drainage and depositional formula of heavy metals. Chikyu Kagaku = Earth Science, 54(5), 328–336.
Abstract: Depositional formula of heavy metals after disposal of the mine drainage from the Ogoya Mine in Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan, was mineralogically investigated. Strong acidic wastewater (pH 3.5) from pithead of the mine contains high concentration of heavy metals. In this mine, neutralizing coagulation treatment is going on by slaked lime (calcium hydroxides: Ca(OH) (sub 2) ). Core samples were collected at disposal pond to which the treated wastewater flows. The core samples were divided into 44 layers based on the color variation. The mineralogical and chemical compositions of each layer were analyzed by an X-ray powder diffractometer (XRD), an energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence analyzer (ED-XRF) and a NCS elemental analyzer. The upper parts are rich in brown colored layers, whereas discolored are the deeper parts. The color variation is relevant to Fe concentration. Brown colored core sections are composed of abundant hydrous ferric oxides with heavy metals, such as Cu, Zn, and Cd. On the other hand, S concentration gradually increases with depth. XRD data indicated that calcite decreases with increasing depth, and ettringite is produced at the deeper parts. Cd concentration shows similar vertical profile to those of calcite and ettringite. The results revealed that hydrous ferric oxides, calcite and ettringite are formed on deposition, whereby incorporating the heavy metals.