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Brown, M., Barley, B., & Wood, H. (2002). Minewater treatment; technology, application and policy. London: IWA Publishing.
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Cheng, S. - Y. (1976). Reclamation of acid mine water by coupled ion exchange-reverse osmosis. Ph.D. thesis, West Virginia University,, .
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Curi, A. C., Granda, W. J. V., Lima, H. M., & Sousa, W. T. (2006). Zeolites and their application in the decontamination of mine waste water. Informacion Tecnologica, 17(6), 111–118.
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Dillard, G. (2000). A win-win way to clean up by changing ionic state, new process can precipitate heavy metals. Pay Dirt, 734, 10–11.
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Eger, P. (1994). Wetland Treatment for Trace-metal Removal from Mine Drainage – the Importance of Aerobic and Anaerobic Processes. Water Sci. Technol., 29(4), 249–256.
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