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Simmons, J., Ziemkiewicz, P., & Black, D. C. (2002). Use of Steel Slag Leach Beds for the Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage. Mine Water Env., 21(2), 91–99.
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Simmons, J. A., Andrew, T., Arnold, A., Bee, N., Bennett, J., Grundman, M., et al. (2006). Small-Scale Chemical Changes Caused by In-stream Limestone Sand Additions to Streams. Mine Water Env., 25(4), 241–245.
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Skousen, J. (1997). Overview of passive systems for treating acid mine drainage. Green Lands, 27(4), 34–43.
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Swoboda-Colberg, N., Colberg, P., & Smith, J. L. (1994). Constructed vertical flow aerated wetlands.
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Taylor, J., & Waters, J. (2003). Treating ARD; how, when, where and why. Mining Environmental Management, 11(3), 6–9.
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