Boonstra, J., van Lier, R., Janssen, G., Dijkman, H., & Buisman, C. J. N. (1999). Biological treatment of acid mine drainage. In R. Amils, & A. Ballester (Eds.), Process Metallurgy, vol.9, Part B (pp. 559–567). Biohydrometallurgy and the environment toward the mining of the 21st century; proceedings of the International biohydrometallurgy symposium IBS'99, Part B, Molecular biology, biosorption, bioremediation.
Cravotta, C. A., III, Watzlaf, G. R., Naftz, D. L., Morrison, S. J., Fuller, C. C., & Davis, J. A. (2002). Design and performance of limestone drains to increase pH and remove metals from acidic mine drainage Handbook of groundwater remediation using permeable reactive barriers; applications to radionuclides, trace metals, and nutrients.. Amsterdam: Academic Press.
Eger, P., Melchert, G., Antonson, D., & Wagner, J. (1993). Magnesium hydroxide as a treatment for acid mine drainage in northern Minnesota. In B. A. Zamora, & R. E. Connolly (Eds.), Proceedings of the Annual National Meeting – American Society for Surface Mining and Reclamation, vol.10 (pp. 204–217). The challenge of integrating diverse perspectives in reclamation.
Abstract: Three alkaline materials were investigated for their suitability to treat acid mine drainage generated by a research facility located at a remote site in northern Minnesota. The materials investigated were hydrated lime, sodium hydroxide, and magnesium hydroxide. All three reagents were successful at raising pH and removing trace metals from the drainage, but the magnesium hydroxide had the added benefit of producing a maximum pH of approximately 9.5, while the other two reagents resulted in pH values of 12 and greater. In addition, the magnesium hydroxide was available as a high solid content slurry (58%) which simplified application and handling, and which produced the lowest volume of sludge of the materials tested.