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Bienvenu, L. (1994). Activites de recherche du ministere des Ressources naturelles du Quebec sur le drainage minier acide; activites realisees dans le cadre de l'Entente auxiliaire Canada-Quebec 1992-1998 sur le developpement mineral; rapport 1993-1994. Research activities of Quebec Natural Resources Ministry on acid mine drainage; research related to the Canada-Quebec agreement 1992-1998 on mineral development; report 1993-1994.
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Burnett, M., Skousen, J. G., Skousen, J. G., & Ziemkiewicz, P. F. (1996). Injection of limestone into underground mines for AMD control. In Acid mine drainage control and treatment. Morgantown: West Virginia University and the National Mine Land Reclamation Center.
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Davis, L. K. (1994). Constructed wetlands handbook. In Special Publication – United States. Bureau of Mines, Report: BUMINES-SP-06B-94 (409). Proceedings of the International land reclamation and mine drainage conference and Third international conference on The abatement of acidic drainage; Volume 2 of 4; Mine drainage.
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Dempsey, B. A., & Jeon, B. - H. (2001). Characteristics of sludge produced from passive treatment of mine drainage. Geochem.-Explor. Environ. Anal., 1(1), 89–94.
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Dumpleton, S. (1998). Mitigation of minewater pollution; the need for research, monitoring and prevention. Earthwise (Keyworth), 12, 12–13.
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