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Jarvis, A. P. (2000). Design, construction and performance of passive systems for the treatment of mine and spoil heap drainage. Ph.D. thesis, University of Newcastle upon Tyne,, .
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Kuyucak, N. (2001). Acid mining drainage prevention and control. Mining Environmental Management, 9(1), 12–15.
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Li, L., Jiang, Y., & Guo, Y. (1999). Research on a comprehensive industrialization technology for the treatment of mining water containing sulfate ions. Meitian Dizhi Yu Kantan = Coal Geology & Exploration, 27(6), 51–53.
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Marquardt, K. (1987). Muelldeponie-Sickerabwasseraufbereitung unter Anwendung der Membrantechnik. Waste disposal-seepage waters processing by use of the membrane technique Zeitgemaesse Deponietechnik. In Stuttgarter Berichte zur Abfallwirtschaft, vol.24 (pp. 187–234).
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Mataix Gonzalez, C., & Escribano Bombin, M. (1996). Sistemas de control y tratamiento de drenajes acidos de minas. Control and treatment systems for acid mine drainage. Ingeopres, 42, 15–18.
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