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Angelos, M. A. F. (2000). Rehabilitation options for a Finnish copper mine. International Conference on Practical Applications in Environmental Geotechnology Ecogeo 2000, 204, 207–214.
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Anonymous. (1998). (S. H. Castro, F. Vergara, M. A. Sanchez, & D. of M. E. C. University of Concepcion, Eds.). Effluent treatment in the mining industry. Concepcion: University of Concepcion.
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Arnekleiv, J. V. (1995). Downstream Effects Of Mine Drainage On Benthos And Fish In A Norwegian River – A Comparison Of The Situation Before And After River Rehabilitation. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 52(1-2), 35–43.
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Aube, B. C. (2000). Molybdenum treatment at Brenda Mines. ICARD 2000, Vols I and II, Proceedings, , 1113–1119.
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Aube, B. C., & Zinck, J. M. (1999). Comparison of AMD treatment processes and their impact on sludge characteristics.
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