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Bilek, F., Werner, F., & Schöpke, R. (2003). Experimentelle und modellgestützte Entwicklung von Verfahren zur geochemischen Grundwasser- und Untergrundbehandlung zur Gefahrenabwehr im Nordraum des Senftenberger Sees.544.
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Walton-Day, K. (2003). (R. Raeside, Ed.). Short Course Series Volume. 31: Mineralogical Association of Canada.
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Costello, C. (2003). (U. S. E. P. A. O. of S. W. and E. R. T. I. O. W. DC, Ed.). Acid Mine Drainage – Innovative Treatment Technologies. Washington: National Network for Environmental Management Studies Program.
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Consortium, P. (2003). Engineering Guidelines for the Passive Remediation of Acidic and/or Metalliferous Mine Drainage and similar Wastewaters. Newcastle Upon Tyne: University of Newcastle Upon Tyne.
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Beaulieu, S. (2003). Application des techniques de bioactivation et de bioaugmentation pour le traitement en conditions sulfato-réductrices des eaux de drainage minier acide. Ph.D. thesis, École Polytechnique, École Polytechnique, Montréal.
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