Naugle, W. K. (2003). Remediation of the Eagle Mine superfund site: a biological success story. Tailings and Mine Waste '03, , 481–485.
Abstract: Remediation of the Eagle Mine Superfund Site began in 1988. Remedial action included: bulk-heading adits, flooding mine workings; constructing diversion ditches around waste rock; consolidating mine wastes in an on-site tailings pile; capping the tailings pile with a multi-layer, engineered cap; and revegetating disturbed areas with native plants. Flooding the mine workings resulted in unacceptable seepage into the Eagle River in late 1989. A water treatment plant was constructed to collect mine seepage and groundwater at the main tailings pile. In October 2001, construction of the remedy was declared “complete” and the site is now in the operation, maintenance and monitoring phase. A strong downward trend in zinc and cadmium concentrations in the Eagle River has occurred and, trout and macroinvertebrate populations have increased. Biological data are being used to establish water quality standards for the Eagle River.
Wisotzky, F. (2003). Saure Bergbauwässer (Acid Mine Drainage) und deren Qualitätsverbesserung durch Zugabe von alkalisch wirkenden Zuschlagstoffen zum Abraum : Untersuchungen im Rheinischen Braunkohlenrevier. Deutsches gewässerkundliches Jahrbuch, , 167.
McLeod, K. W., & Ciravolo, T. G. (2003). Sensitivity of water tupelo (Nyssa aquatica) and bald cypress (Taxodium distichum) seedlings to manganese enrichment under water-saturated conditions. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 22(12), 2948–2951.
Abstract: In anaerobic soils of wetlands, Mn is highly available to plants because of the decreasing redox potential and pH of flooded soil. When growing adjacent to each another in wetland forests, water tupelo (Nyssa aquatica L.) had 10 times greater leaf manganese concentration than bald cypress (Taxodium distichum [L.] Richard). This interspecific difference was examined over a range of manganese-enriched soil conditions in a greenhouse experiment. Water tupelo and bald cypress seedlings were grown in fertilized potting soil enriched with 0, 40, 80, 160, 240, 320, and 400 mg Mn/L of soil and kept at saturated to slightly flooded conditions. Leaf Mn concentration was greater in water tupelo than bald cypress for all but the highest Mn addition treatment. Growth of water tupelo seedlings was adversely affected in treatments greater than 160 mg Mn/L. Total biomass of water tupelo in the highest Mn treatment was less than 50% of the control. At low levels of added Mn, bald cypress was able to restrict uptake of Mn at the roots with resulting low leaf Mn concentrations. Once that root restriction was exceeded, Mn concentration in bald cypress leaves increased greatly with treatment; that is, the highest treatment was 40 times greater than control (4,603 vs 100 < mu >g/g, respectively), but biomass of bald cypress was unaffected by manganese additions. Bald cypress, a tree that does not naturally accumulate manganese, does so under manganese-enriched conditions and without biomass reduction in contrast to water tupelo, which is severely affected by higher soil Mn concentrations. Thus, bald cypress would be less affected by increased manganese availability in swamps receiving acidic inputs such as acid mine drainage, acid rain, or oxidization of pyritic soils.
Adam, K. (2003). Solid wastes management in sulphide mines: From waste characterisation to safe closure of disposal sites. Minerals and Energy Raw Materials Report, 18(4), 25–35.
Abstract: Environmentally compatible Waste Management schemes employed by the European extractive industry for the development of new projects, and applied in operating sulphide mines, are presented in this study. Standard methodologies used to assess the geotechnical and geochemical properties of the solid wastes stemming from mining and processing of sulphidic metal ores are firstly given. Based on waste properties, the measures applied to ensure the environmentally safe recycling and disposal of sulphidic wastes are summarised. Emphasis is given on the novel techniques developed to effectively prevent and mitigate the acid drainage phenomenon from sulphidic mine wastes and tailings. Remediation measures taken to minimise the impact from waste disposal sites in the post-closure period are described.
Banks, S. B. (2003). The Coal Authority Minewater Treatment Programme: An update on the performance of operational schemes. Land Contam. Reclam., 11(2), 161–164.
Abstract: The performance of mine water treatment schemes, operated under the Coal Authority's national Minewater Treatment Programme, is summarised. Most schemes for which data are available perform successfully and remove over 90% iron. Mean area-adjusted iron removal rates for reedbed components of treatment schemes, range from 1.5 to 5.5 g Fe/m2, with percentage iron removal rates ranging from 68% to 99%. In the majority of cases, calculated area-adjusted removal rates are limited by influent iron loadings, and the empirical sizing criterion for aerobic wetlands, based on American removal rates of 10 g Fe/m2day, remains a valuable tool in the initial stages of treatment system design and estimation of land area requirements. Where a number of schemes have required modification after becoming operational, due consideration must always be given to the potential for dramatic increases in influent iron loadings, and to how the balance between performance efficiency and aesthetic appearance can best be achieved. Continual review and feedback on the performance of treatment systems, and the problems encountered during design implementation, will enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the Minewater Treatment Programme within the UK.