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Naugle, W. K. (2003). Remediation of the Eagle Mine superfund site: a biological success story. Tailings and Mine Waste '03, , 481–485.
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Wisotzky, F. (2003). Saure Bergbauwässer (Acid Mine Drainage) und deren Qualitätsverbesserung durch Zugabe von alkalisch wirkenden Zuschlagstoffen zum Abraum : Untersuchungen im Rheinischen Braunkohlenrevier. Deutsches gewässerkundliches Jahrbuch, , 167.
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McLeod, K. W., & Ciravolo, T. G. (2003). Sensitivity of water tupelo (Nyssa aquatica) and bald cypress (Taxodium distichum) seedlings to manganese enrichment under water-saturated conditions. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 22(12), 2948–2951.
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Adam, K. (2003). Solid wastes management in sulphide mines: From waste characterisation to safe closure of disposal sites. Minerals and Energy Raw Materials Report, 18(4), 25–35.
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Banks, S. B. (2003). The Coal Authority Minewater Treatment Programme: An update on the performance of operational schemes. Land Contam. Reclam., 11(2), 161–164.
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