Author |
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Year  |
Publication |
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Ballivy, G.; Bienvenu, L. |
Stabilisation des rejets miniers a l'aide de rejets de cimenterie. Stabilization of mining wastes using cement factory wastes Activites de recherche du Ministere des Ressources Naturelles du Quebec sur le drainage minier acide; rapport 1997-1998. Research activities of the Quebec Natural Resources Ministry on acid mine drainage; report 1997-1998 |
1998 |
Rn 98-5034 |
Berthelot, D.; Haggis, M. |
Application of remote monitoring and data management systems to environmental management of tailings facilities |
1999 |
Sudbury '99; Mining and the environment II; conference proceedings |
Zinck, J.M.; Aube, B.C. |
Optimization of lime treatment processes |
2000 |
CIM Bull. |
93 |
98-105 |
The BioSulphide Process to treat acid mine drainage and Anaconda tailings at Caribou Mine, New Brunswick |
2002 |
2002-3 |
138 |
Blowes, D.W.; Bain, J.G.; Smyth, D.J.; Ptacek, C.J.; Jambor, J.L.; Blowes, D.W.; Ritchie, A.I.M. |
Treatment of mine drainage using permeable reactive materials |
2003 |
Environmental Aspects of Mine Wastes |
31 |
361-376 |