Author  |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Links |
Ziemkiewicz, P.F.; Meek, F.A., Jr.; Skousen, J.G.; Ziemkiewicz, P.F. |
Long term behavior of acid forming rock; results of 11-year field studies |
1996 |
Acid mine drainage control and treatment |
Taylor, J.; Waters, J. |
Treating ARD; how, when, where and why |
2003 |
Mining Environmental Management |
11 |
6-9 |
Tabak, H.H.; Govind, R. |
Advances in biotreatment of acid mine drainage and biorecovery of metals 19th annual international conference on Soils, sediments, and water; abstracts |
2004 |
Soil & Sediment Contamination |
171-172 |
Smyth, D.; Blowes, D.; Ptacek, C.; Bain, J. |
Application of permeable reactive barriers for treating mine drainage and dissolved metals in groundwater |
2004 |
Geotechnical News |
22 |
39-44 |
Potgieter-Vermaak, S.S.; Potgieter, J.H.; Monama, P.; Van Grieken, R. |
Comparison of limestone, dolomite and fly ash as pre-treatment agents for acid mine drainage |
2006 |
Minerals Engineering |
19 |
454-462 |