Author |
Title  |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Links |
Kuyucak, N. |
Acid mine drainage; treatment options for mining effluents |
2001 |
Mining Environmental Management |
9 |
12-15 |
Conca, J.L.; Wright, J. |
An Apatite II permeable reactive barrier to remediate groundwater containing Zn, Pb and Cd |
2006 |
Appl. Geochem. |
21 |
2188-2200 |
Erten-Unal, M.; Wixson, B.G. |
Biotreatment and Chemical Speciation of Lead and Zinc Mine/Mill Wastewater Discharges in Missouri, USA |
1999 |
Water Air Soil Pollut. |
116 |
501-522 |
Niyogi, D.K.; McKnight, D.M.; Lewis, W.M., Jr.; Kimball, B.A. |
Experimental diversion of acid mine drainage and the effects on a headwater stream |
1999 |
Water-Resources Investigations Report |
Wri 99-4018-A |
123-130 |
Schwartz, M.O.; Ploethner, D. |
From mine water to drinking water; heavy-metal removal by carbonate precipitation in the Grootfontein-Omatako Canal, Namibia |
1999 |