Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
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Pages |
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Bates, M.H.; Veenstra, J.N.; Barber, J.; Bernard, R.; Karleskint, J.; Khan, P.; Pakanti, R.; Tate, M. |
Physical-chemical treatment of acid-mine water from a superfund site |
1990 |
Journal of Environmental Systems |
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Neue Bergbautechnik |
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Accelerated precipitation of ochre for mine water remediation |
2006 |
Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta |
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Application des techniques de bioactivation et de bioaugmentation pour le traitement en conditions sulfato-réductrices des eaux de drainage minier acide |
2003 |
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Use Of Cellulosic Substrates For The Microbial Treatment Of Acid-Mine Drainage |
1994 |
Journal of Environmental Quality |
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