Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Links |
Fricke, J.; Blickwedel, R.; Hagerty, P. |
Biotreatment of metal mine waste waters; case histories |
1997 |
Open-File Report – US Geological Survey |
Of 97-0496 |
25 |
Godard, M. |
Principes d'exhaure et de traitement des eaux chargees aux houilleres du bassin de Lorraine. Darstellung der Verfahren zur Wasserhaltung und zur Wasseraufbereitung in den Steinkohlengruben des Lothringer Beckens. Draining principles and treatment of water used in the Lorraine mining basin |
1997 |
Mines et Carrieres |
42-45 |
Noss, R.R.; Crago, R.W.; Gable, J.; Kerber, B.; Mafi, S. |
Use of flue gas desulfurization sludge in abandoned mine land reclamation |
1997 |
Skousen, J. |
Overview of passive systems for treating acid mine drainage |
1997 |
Green Lands |
27 |
34-43 |
Stewart, D.; Norman, T.; Cordery-Cotter, S.; Kleiner, R.; Sweeney, E.; Nelson, J.D. |
Utilization of a ceramic membrane for acid mine drainage treatment |
1997 |
Tailings and Mine Waste '97 |
453-460 |