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Ballivy, G.; Bienvenu, L. Stabilisation des rejets miniers a l'aide de rejets de cimenterie. Stabilization of mining wastes using cement factory wastes Activites de recherche du Ministere des Ressources Naturelles du Quebec sur le drainage minier acide; rapport 1997-1998. Research activities of the Quebec Natural Resources Ministry on acid mine drainage; report 1997-1998 1998 Rn 98-5034 details   openurl
Anonymous; Unten, L.; Wildeman, T.R.; Gusek, J.J. Passive treatment for contaminants in mine waters Effluent treatment in the mining industry 1998 details   isbn
Anonymous 1998 details   isbn
Kleinmann, R.L.P. Treatment of mine drainage by anoxic limestone drains and constructed wetlands 1998 Acidic Mining Lakes 303-319 details   url
Fischer, R.; Reissig, H.; Gockel, G.; Seidel, K.H.; Guderitz, T. Direkte Neutralisation und Untergrundwasserbehandlung des Restwassers im Tagebaurestsee Heide VI. Direct neutralization and treatment of deep subsoil water of the residual water in the open-pit relic lake Heide VI 1998 Braunkohle, Surface Mining 50 273-278 details   openurl
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