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  Author Title Year Publication Volume (down) Pages Links
Robinson, J.D.F. Wetland treatment of coal-mine drainage 1998 Coal International 246 114-115 details   openurl
Wiessner, A. The treatment of a deposited lignite pyrolysis wastewater by adsorption using activated carbon and activated coke 1998 Colloids and Surfaces a-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 139 91-97 details   url
Henderson, A. The implementation of paste fill at the Henty Gold Mine 1998 Minefill'98 98 299-304 details   url
Ballivy, G.; Bienvenu, L. Stabilisation des rejets miniers a l'aide de rejets de cimenterie. Stabilization of mining wastes using cement factory wastes Activites de recherche du Ministere des Ressources Naturelles du Quebec sur le drainage minier acide; rapport 1997-1998. Research activities of the Quebec Natural Resources Ministry on acid mine drainage; report 1997-1998 1998 Rn 98-5034 details   openurl
Vegt, A.L. de; Bayer, H.G.; Buisman, C.J. Biological sulfate removal and metal recovery from mine waters 1998 Min. Eng. 50 67-70 details   openurl
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