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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages Links
Baker, K.A.; Fennessy, M.S.; Mitsch, W.J. Designing wetlands for controlling coal mine drainage: an ecologic- economic modelling approach 1991 Ecological Economics 3 1-24 details   url
Berthelot, D.; Haggis, M. Application of remote monitoring and data management systems to environmental management of tailings facilities 1999 Sudbury '99; Mining and the environment II; conference proceedings details   isbn
Brown, M.; Barley, B.; Wood, H. 2002 details   isbn
Brunet, J.-F. Drainages miniers acides; contraintes et remedes; etat des connaissances--Acid mine drainage; problems and remediation techniques; state of the art 2000 Principaux Resultats Scientifiques – Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres 1999/2000 97-98 details   openurl
Burgess, J.E.; Stuetz, R.M. Activated Sludge for the Treatment of Sulphur-rich Wastewaters 2002 Miner. Eng. 15 839-846 details   url
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