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Cox, M.R.; Peterson, G.L. The effectiveness of in-situ limestone treatment of acid mine drainage Association of Engineering Geologists program with abstracts, 40th annual meeting; Converging at Cascadia 1997 Annual Meeting – Association of Engineering Geologists, vol.40 93 details   openurl
Entrena, A.L.; Serrano, J.R.; Villoria, A. Descontaminacion de aguas de mina con recuperacion de los metales contenidos en ellas. Decontamination of mine waters by recovering the metals contained within them VIII congreso internacional de Mineria y metalurgia; tomo 8. VIII international conference on Mining and metallurgy; Volume 8 1988 Congreso Internacional de Mineria y Metalurgia, vol.8 156-173 details   openurl
Herbert, R.B., Jr.; Benner, S.G.; Blowes, D.W. Reactive barrier treatment of groundwater contaminated by acid mine drainage; sulphur accumulation and sulphide formation 1998 Groundwater Quality: Remediation and Protection 451-457 details   url
Willscher, S. Loesungsansaetze zur Minderung der Umweltbelastung durch saure Grubenwaesser; I, Massnahmen zu deren Minimierung und Verfahren der aktiven Behandlung. Approaches for reducing environmental pollution by acid mine drainage; I, Mitigation measures and methods for active remediation 2001 Vom Wasser 97 145-166 details   openurl
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