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(1998). 'Green' company offers desalination technology. Water Sewage and Effluent, 18(4), 9–11.
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Anonymous, Unten, L., Wildeman, T. R., & Gusek, J. J. (1998). Passive treatment for contaminants in mine waters Effluent treatment in the mining industry. In S. H. Castro, F. Vergara, & M. A. Sanchez (Eds.),. Concepcion: University of Concepcion.
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Ashby, J. C. (2001). Injecting alkaline lime sludge and FGD material into underground mines for acid abatement.
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Aytas, S. O., Akyil, S., Aslani, M. A. A., & Aytekin, U. (1999). Removal of uranium from aqueous solutions by diatomite (Kieselguhr). Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 240(3), 973–976.
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Banks, S. B. (2003). The Coal Authority Minewater Treatment Programme: An update on the performance of operational schemes. Land Contam. Reclam., 11(2), 161–164.
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