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Beers, W. F., Ciolkosz, E. J., & Kardos, L. T. (1974). Soil as a medium for the renovation of acid mine drainage water.
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Stewart, B. R. (1996). The influence of fly ash additions on acid mine drainage production from coarse coal refuse. Ph.D. thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,, Blacksburg.
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Walitt, A., Jasinski, R., & Keilin, B. (1970). Silicate treatment of coal mine refuse piles.
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Wieder, R. K. (1989). A survey of constructed wetlands for acid coal mine drainage treatment in the Eastern United States. Wetlands, 9(2), 299–315.
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Wilmoth, R. C., Mason, D. G., & Gupta, M. (1972). Treatment of ferrous iron acid mine drainage by reverse osmosis.
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