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Bowell, R. J. (2004). (P. Jarvis Adam, A. Dudgeon Bruce, & L. Younger Paul, Eds.). mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium. 2: University of Newcastle.
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Brown, M., Barley, B., & Wood, H. (2002). Minewater Treatment – Technology, Application and Policy. London: IWA Publishing.
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Consortium, P. (2003). Engineering Guidelines for the Passive Remediation of Acidic and/or Metalliferous Mine Drainage and similar Wastewaters. Newcastle Upon Tyne: University of Newcastle Upon Tyne.
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Eger, P. (1994). Wetland Treatment for Trace-metal Removal from Mine Drainage – the Importance of Aerobic and Anaerobic Processes. Water Sci. Technol., 29(4), 249–256.
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Gerth, A., & Kießig, G. (2001). (A. Leeson, Ed.). Phytoremediation, wetlands and sediments. (6)5: Battelle Press.
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